Following an a deeply regenerative 4 days, here is an offer of some material you may find useful, including:
What’s already happening in the world of regenerative business that you won’t find in the mainstream:
- A reminder of the title of “that book about that carpet company” Business Lessons from a Radical Industrialist by Ray Anderson on the first 12 years of Interface’s journey to become the world’s firs RESTORATIVE business.
- Ray Anderson in 2013 speaking about Interface, their goals and what they had achieved through observing sustainability differently.
- A great video on INTERFACE’s recent NETWORKS project recovering fishing nets from Pacific islands and reefs and creating local jobs.
- Interface’s 2019 Climate Takeback challenge – going beyond zero to sequester, regenerate and restore.
- The top 100 existing technologies than could have us CONSUMING greenhouse gases instead of producing them by around 2045 from Paul Hawken’s Project Drawdown.
- Gunter Pauli’s 100 new technologies collected under the banner The Blue Economy and a recent video introducing these solutions.
My R&D around regenerative sustainability, innovation and coaching:
- An invitation to explore my adaptation of Coaching In Action into an equivalent 3-day workshop Innovation In Action (see below)
- A link to a summary of the 40 years R&D that sits behind the emerging regenerative economy.
- A link to the PDF of my old book “The Deep Green Profit Handbook”, while I work on the new book
- A direct link to my more recent ebook Enterpreneuring the Regenerative Economy
- An invitation to consider the LinkedIn group Regenerative Business where I share some of the best of the good news that doesn’t make the mainstream.
- The rationale for a 2010 workshop for coaches on Observing Sustainability Differently (see below).
Innovation in Action
Ever since I read The Innovator’s Way, I’ve felt that Coaching in Action could easily become Innovation in Action.
The following items have been sitting in my computer since 2014. I would value any feedback on whether you consider them useful. To me, they’re very minor adaptations from Coaching in Action so ownership sits with Newfield Institute Australia.
My offer is these three pieces:
- A workshop plan: Program Outline – Innovation in Action
- Workshop handouts: Innovation In Action – Workshop Handouts
- Activities notes: Innovation In Action – Workshop Activities
My request is for feedback on anything you find useful.
Regenerative Business Coaching
Back in 2010, in collaboration with Alan S, I put together a 1-day introductory workshop for Ontological Coaches on the possibility of Regenerative Business Coaching called Observing Sustainability Differently We trialed it in December 2010.
Ontology is “the how of the how” of accelerating the adoption of Regenerative Business models. If this is an opportunity you would like to consider for your future practice then let’s have a conversation for possibilities.